Dr Nicholas Lotz
Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Main Rooms
Level 1 357 Military Rd
Appointments & Enquiries
Ph: 1300 304 209
Fax: 02 9904 0166
Butterfly Logo - Dr Nik Lotz, Plastic Surgeon, Sydney
VectorShape1 - Cosmetic Circle - Dr Nik Lotz, Sydney
VectorShape2 - Cosmetic dots - Dr Nicholas Lotz
Plastic, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery

Post Operative


The following information provides a general guide for patients regarding their post operative period following surgery undertaken with Dr Lotz.

Patients may also receive additional post-operative instruction sheets specific to their procedure and post-operative care.

Post-Operative Care

Dressings & Wound



Your post-operative instruction sheet will contain detailed information on how to manage your dressings.

It is normal to have a small amount of red blood or clear fluid draining from the wound. If this increases, apply pressure for 10 minutes to the area. If this does not work, then please contact us.



  • You will most likely have sutures or staples in your incision. Some sutures are dissolving and will gradually disappear. If you have non – dissolving sutures or staples they will be removed by Dr Lotz 5-10 days post-operatively.
  • Do not smoke as smoking delays healing and increases the risk of complications.
  • A prescription for antibiotics may be provided; please take the full course as directed.
  • If you have been given an ointment, apply this to the suture line twice daily.
  • If you have had surgery to your face you may experience bruising and swelling around eye and cheek areas. This is normal and will start to resolve within 7-10 days.
  • Observe the operated area for signs of infection: increased redness, swelling, separation of the skin, pus, a bad odour, or pain. Contact the rooms if this occurs.
Post-Operative Care

Activity & Pain



  • Do not drive or operate hazardous machinery for the remainder of the day.
  • Limit your activities for 24 hours. Do not engage in sports or heavy work until you have been given permission.
  • A responsible adult should remain with you on the day and evening of your surgery.
  • If you have had surgery of your hand or foot please keep the affected limb elevated, this will help reduce swelling and pain.


It is normal to experience some pain during the first 24-48 hours after your operation. Depending on the severity of the injury a prescription for pain medication may be provided. If a prescription is not provided, then over-the -counter pain medications such as Panadeine and Nurofen are usually very effective.

Local anaesthetic is usually administered to the wound during surgery which can help relieve post operative pain; however, to avoid pain suddenly returning once you are discharged, start any prescribed pain medication soon after returning home.

  • Please remember to always take medication as directed by your pharmacist.
  • Do not drink alcohol when taking pain medication.
  • If you have excessive pain or discomfort that is not alleviated by medications please contact the practice.
  • Your dressing will most likely be changed during the first review appointment; to help alleviate discomfort during the dressing change it can be helpful to take pain medication ½ hour prior to your appointment.

It is normal to have a sore throat after an anaesthetic. This will resolve in 24 hrs.